Corporate Social Responsibility

We are securing a more sustainable future through our products, supply chain, company and people.

At Baxi we are fully committed to our Company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy. We strive to work in a sustainable and ethical way and support our local communities.

We are committed to operating an ethical business and quality assured supply chain that delivers exceptional customer satisfaction with market leading products and services, ensuring fairness in our relationships and business dealings.

We value our environment and are committed to minimising the carbon emissions in our workplace, products and throughout our supply chain and our products meet all legislative and efficiency requirements. We believe that investing in the health and welfare of our people is critical to our future success and long term sustainability.

We build partnerships at a local level by offering practical support such as work experience or training in schools, colleges, institutions, charities and local authorities.

If you would like to know more about our commitment to Sustainability, please download the Baxi Heating Sustainability Report 2020/2021. You can also download our other policies, including our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement here.

Corporate social responsibility
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